Monday, June 15, 2009

hip hip hooray

kalau anda gembira
tepuk tangan
kalau ada gembira
beginilah caranya
kalau anda gembira tepuk tangan.

reminiscing old memory. menyanyi di dalam bulatan. scream the lungs out.make sure it's a big circle.the more the's time flies. you don't have necessarily 2 do's not the only way to express happiness.there are a lot of expressions. would you rather look cute? cool? annoying? here's the suggestions:

- static. as if nothing happens.even you just score goal or something.just be maintained and be in control.

- bright up the day.make others curve their smile. make others be happy to be around us.

- shedding tears. do you notice that sometimes tears fall easily when we're so happy in getting something.

- praising Him.Alhamdulillah. our Creator.cos the happiness is beyond description. beyond universe. how one miss call or one sms can make you leap ecstatically.

la tahzan. do not be sad.jangan bersedih.
be content of what you have now. cos we're never know if we still have them around.tidak akan tenang hati kecuali dengan mengingati Allah.