Monday, June 8, 2009


me and hujan:

1. it has been 'hujan' since few days ago. which is rare occurrence actually.

2. love the feeling when it is hujan. but strokes of lightning killing the imagination. yup imaginasi romantik. thanx 2 Yusuf Haslam's films.haha.

3. new discovered favorite band: Hujan. yippie.
Bapanya mahukannya jadi seorang askar
Bukan cita-citanya
Bukan impiannya
*so cool. maybe u can replace cikgu, polis, perdana menteri etc. whatever wannabe occupations insisted by your parents.

4. lastly, hujan itu rahmat:)
recite the dua whenever the rain falling down. insyaAllah termakbul. hujan itu bukan sekadar hujan. hujan itu extraordinary.