Friday, August 21, 2009

it's RAMADHAN people

we're already in Ramadhan month:) a blessed month and yup a month before eid...yip hooray.
my stomach making weird sounds as if it's my first time's okay then it's the first day of Ramadhan.

Ramadhan alert:

- say no to purchase idle talk
- lower your gaze waheeda, i know that's hard. it's just like turning the volume down while listening to your favorite song ever.then it's achievable.
- do not overeating, overspending. all the OVERs are dont's.
- fully utilize your Ramadhan

wishing all of you the best and blast Ramadhan ever. Hope u'll find what you wish for in tis Ramadhan:)

p/s: kalau suka cakap suka.jangan ambil kesempatan ok.loud yet truthful.double wink.